Currículo (CV)

Biografia completa

Biografia média

Gabriel Marmentini é Bacharel em Administração Pública e Doutor em Administração pela Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (Udesc Esag). Gabriel é empreendedor social, sendo cofundador e Diretor Executivo de duas organizações da sociedade civil: a Associação Brasileira de Câncer de Cabeça e Pescoço (ACBG Brasil) e a Politize! - Instituto de Educação Política. Em 2022, Gabriel foi reconhecido como Forbes Under 30 e venceu o Prêmio Empreendedor Social da Folha de S. Paulo. Em 2023, foi um dos nomes da primeira lista brasileira do MIT Innovators Under 35. Além disso, é membro de redes importantes no Brasil e no mundo, como por exemplo: Rede de Líderes Fundação Lemann, MIT Solve, One Young World, YLAI e Guerreiros Sem Armas.

Biografia curta

Gabriel Marmentini é um empreendedor social brasileiro que cofundou duas organizações da sociedade civil: Politize! - Instituto de Educação Política e a Associação Brasileira de Câncer de Cabeça e Pescoço (ACBG Brasil). Ele é bacharel em Administração Pública, com mestrado e doutorado em Administração.

Full bio

PhD in Management (2023), Master in Management (2018) and Bachelor in Public Administration (2015) from the State University of Santa Catarina (Udesc Esag). Career focused on the third sector, social management and citizenship. Co-founder of the Brazilian Head and Neck Cancer Association (ACBG Brasil) and Politize! - Civic Education Institute and Executive Director in both organizations. Fellow of several programs, networks and prizes: Movimento Choice (Artemísia/2013), Guerreiros Sem Armas (Instituto Elos/2014), Social Good Brasil Lab (2015), Red Bull Amaphiko (2017), Young Leaders of the Americas Initiative (YLAI/2017), Facebook Community Leadership Program (FCLP/2018), One Young World (OYW/2022), Folha Empreendedor Social Award (2022), Forbes Under 30 (2022), Democracy Fellowship Cohort (Keseb/2023), MIT Solve (2023), Innovators Under 35 (MIT Technology Review/2023) and Rede de Líderes Fundação Lemann (2023). Member of the Judging Committee for the Award for Good Practices in Public Management of Santa Catarina (Santa Catarina State University - Udesc) and the Public Good Olympiad - OBP (FGV EPPG). Advisory Advisor to the global movement Democracy Moves (SNF Agora Institute at Johns Hopkins University/2021-2022) and OSC EcomAmor (currently). International experience in academic exchange in the area of International Business at the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft - HTW Berlin and working as a volunteer teacher in social exchange at AIESEC in Russia (2014). Between November 2021 and July 2023, he worked as a substitute professor for the Public Administration course at Udesc Esag, with the subjects: Special Topics I (1st term; in 2 semesters), Coproduction of Public Good (3rd term; in 3 semesters) and Management of Socio-Environmental Responsibility (6th term; in 4 semesters).

Medium bio

Gabriel Marmentini holds a Bachelor's degree in Public Administration and a PhD in Administration from the State University of Santa Catarina (Udesc Esag). Gabriel is a social entrepreneur, co-founder, and Executive Director of two civil society organizations: the Brazilian Association for Head and Neck Cancer (ACBG Brasil) and Politize! - Civic Education Institute. In 2022, Gabriel was recognized in Forbes Under 30 and won the Folha de S. Paulo Social Entrepreneur Award. In 2023, he was featured in the first Brazilian edition of MIT Innovators Under 35. Additionally, he is a member of significant networks in Brazil and worldwide, such as the Lemann Foundation Leaders Network, MIT Solve, One Young World, YLAI, and Warriors Without Weapons.

Short bio

Gabriel Marmentini is a brazilian social entrepreneur that co-founded two civil society organizations: Politize! - Civic Education Institute, and the Brazilian Association of Head and Neck Cancer (ACBG Brasil). His bachelor was in Public Management, and his MSc and PhD in Management.